Effect of nutrient management modules on soil properties, yield and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum)






FYM, Protein content, Vermicompost, Wheat, Yield


A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of nutrient management modules on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-(NW 1014) yield and quality at students instructional farm, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Narendra Nagar, Ayodhya during winter season (rabi) of 201415 and 201516. The experimen- tal soil was silty loam having organic carbon 3.4 g/kg with pH 8.38, available N 170.50, P 11.80 and K 215.50 kg/ ha, S 6.10 and Zn 0.38 ppm. The experiment consisted of 14 treatments, viz. T , RDF (150:60:40 kg/ha N, P O 1 2 5 and K O); T , RDF + 20 kg ZnSO /ha; T , RDF + 5 t FYM/ha; T , RDF + 2.5 t VC /ha; T , RDF + 5 t FYM + 20 kg 2 2 4 3 4 5 ZnSO /ha; T , RDF + 2.5 t VC + 20 kg ZnSO /ha; T , 75% RDF; T , 75% RDF + 20 kg ZnSO /ha; T , 75% RDF + 4 6 4 7 8 4 9 10 t FYM/ha; T , 75% RDF + 5 t VC/ha; T , 75% RDF + 10 t FYM + 20 kg ZnSO /ha; T , 75% RDF + 5 t VC + 20 10 11 4 12 kg ZnSO /ha; T , 125% RDF; T , 125% RDF + 20 kg ZnSO /ha. Pooled analysis revealed that the application of 4 13 14 4 100% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + vermicompost at 2.5 t/ha + ZnSO at 20 kg/ha recorded highest 4 grain yield (4.91 t/ha), straw yield (6.75 t/ha) and protein content (11.71 %) followed by 100% RDF + FYM at 5 t/ha + ZnSO at 20 kg/ha. Similar trend was also noted in soil properties after wheat harvest. 4


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Research Paper

How to Cite

DINESH KUMAR, VED PRAKASH, MAHENDRA KUMAR VERMA, & PRASHANT SINGH. (2001). Effect of nutrient management modules on soil properties, yield and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(4), 489-492. https://doi.org/10.59797/ija.v64i4.5317