Response of popcorn (Zea mays everta) varieties to varying plant densities and fertility levels


  • A.K. MEENA
  • D. SINGH



Fertility levels, Plant densities, Popcorn varieties, SSNM


A field experiment was conducted during the rainy season of 2013 and 2014 at Instructional Farm, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur, to ascertain suitable popcorn (Zea mays everta) variety, its fertility level and plant density. Treatments consisted 3 popcorn varieties, (VL Amber Popcorn, Bajaura Popcorn and Amber Popcorn), 3 fertility levels, viz. (90 + 30 and 110 + 40 kg N + P O /ha) and site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) based 2 5 fertility level, viz. (134 + 52 kg N + P O /ha) and 2 plant densities, viz. (66,666 and 83,333 plants/ha). The soil of 2 5 experimental site was having medium fertility status. Pooled results indicated that highest values of growth, yield- attributing parameters, grain (1.62 t/ha), stover yield (2.47 t/ha), net returns ( 103 65.21/ha and benefit: cost ratio 3.29) were obtained with VL Amber Popcorn. Application of SSNM-based fertility level improved the growth, yield components and consequently the grain (1.68 t/ha), stover (2.65 t/ha) over rest of the fertility levels and proved economically beneficial with the highest net return (103 68.03/ha) and B:C ratio (3.34). Significantly highest grain (1.55 t/ha), stover (2.39 t/ha), net returns (103 61.51/ha) and benefit: cost ratio (3.09) recorded under 83,333 plants/ha, being significantly higher than those with 66,666 plants/ha. At harvesting experimental soil with VL Amber Popcorn had significantly lower N and P status; however, K status of soil did not vary significantly. At


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Research Paper

How to Cite

A.K. MEENA, D. CHOUHAN, D. SINGH, & V. NEPALIA. (2001). Response of popcorn (Zea mays everta) varieties to varying plant densities and fertility levels. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 62(1), 70-73.